User Management
- Company directory and org chart
- How can I change or reset my employee's password?
- How do I change an employee's manager?
- My employee was deactivated, how can I locate their historical data?
- What happens to a user when they are deleted?
- How do I change my profile picture?
- Super-users and employees without managers (CEOs)
- Create your Company as a user
- Advanced user picker
- Admin Roles and Permissions
- Importing users with Excel or CSV
- Welcoming staff
- How to merge duplicate employee accounts
- Adding or removing Secondary Reviewers in bulk
- How do I make an employee an HR Admin?
- How do I turn someone into a manager?
- How do I deactivate or reactivate a user?
- Using the magic column on the company directory screen
- Automatic import from another server
- Export options of your org chart from the company directory