360º Feedback

360º Feedback is a fantastic feature for giving employees a fuller perspective on how they're performing and what they can do next in their roles, receiving feedback by peers they actually work with. 

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The General Flow of a 360º: Stages explained

This video explains how 360 Feedback in Small Improvements works, in its default state, with each stage of the process explained. There is much more configuration available to shape the 360 Cycle differently to how I've demonstrated, so get in touch.

Cycle Setup

This video walks you through setting up a 360 Cycle, with explanations for each stage of the setup and their significance. For more in-depth discussion on the Timeline stage, please see our video guide on that below.

Upward Manager Feedback

If you want to run a 360º Feedback Cycle  only for Managers, with their direct reports reviewing them, that's possible after setting up a cycle!

Managing your Cycles (detailed walkthrough)

This detailed walkthrough explains how to manage and glean insights from two types of 360 Feedback cycles:

  1. Future Cycles that you've planned in the future, and how to launch those
  2. (from 2:33 on) Existing, ongoing cycles - how to understand the progress, add and remove reviewers, filter views of different teams, nudge people to continue progress and complete their outstanding to-dos and feedback writing, enable Upward Feedback, exports and more.


Cycle Timeline, explained

Wondering what the different stages of a 360 Feedback cycle really mean and their significance in the process of running a 360? Here we explain the stages of the Timeline to give you a better understanding.

Managing your Team's 360º Feedback

Manager's, after approving nominations for their reports' 360 Feedback, need a place to jump between the feedback given to their team members from their peers. Your Team tab gets you there, where you can add and remove reviewers, and also review completed feedback.

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