
Praise in Small Improvements is a fantastic opportunity to create a culture of recognition, acknowledgement and celebration of great work, and tie it into your performance management. Praise given to users will be on display in their next 1:1 Meetings, 360 Feedback and Performance Reviews. Praise creates great momentum around the tool and helps create high staff morale. It feels good to get praised!

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Creating a Praise

How to create a Praise and give recognition to your fellow users in Small Improvements.

Praise <> Slack

This video demonstrates how anyone can leave Praise not only from inside SI, but also inside their Slack account,. It removes the need to be in the tool to give recognition and celebrate great work, taking that ability right to where you already are.

Customising Badges

In this video, Abbey runs through the simple process of setting up and customising your own Badges, for your people to Praise each other with inside Small Improvements.

Praise Wall

How to set up and customise the Praise Wall, to display all the recognition in your physical office spaces.

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