
Our lightweight, more individually owned goal-setting functionality in our Objectives module is easy to administer and simple to use. Give your users the chance to set their own goals, align them loosely against important overarching company strategy, values or goals, and nudge your managers into approving and reviewing these goals. Logging objectives in Small Improvements displays your roadmap for future work, all of which will be displayed inside the Helpful Resources Sidebar in 1:1 Meetings, 360 Feedback, and Reviews – making for better conversations and feedback writing.

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Creating and Customising an Objectives Cycle (in-depth walkthrough)

This video gives HR Admins an in-depth walkthrough of how they can set up and tailor Objectives module in Small Improvements to meet the goal-setting needs of the company.

Creating an Objective

Once the cycle has been kicked off, users have the chance to create, customise, view and update their goals and Objectives inside Small Improvements.

Cycle Overview and Management

Understand how close goals are to being achieved, the general focus and alignment of goals, nudge managers to approve or review their employees goals, and more.

Managing Team Goals

This video shows Managers where to get an overview of their entire team's goals, understanding what the progress is there, how the focus of these goals are aligned to HR's custom Objectives categories, and to encourage the employees to continue working them. (tip: when meeting with an employee in 1:1 Meetings, or giving them feedback in a Review, these goals are on display in the Helpful Resources sidebar in any case).

Cloning Objectives

Cloning Objectives in Small Improvements lends itself well to our Lightweight Alignment approach for goal setting. While still giving employees the ability to independently customise them, cloning keeps a group of people on the same track. This video outlines how and where managers and HR can do this.

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