HR Admins in Small Improvements

Hello Admins! This page contains useful video walkthroughs and content on setting up, managing and using the core features in Small Improvements that you plan to roll out.

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  • Setting up your profile
  • Praise
  • 1:1 Meetings
  • Objectives
  • 360º Feedback
  • Feedback Requests
  • Reviews
  • Setting up and viewing your own Profile

    If you aren't using any of our HRIS integrations, this is how Admins can set up and customise their profiles in SI.


    Creating a Praise

    How to create a Praise and give recognition to your fellow users in Small Improvements.

    Small Improvements Praise <> Slack

    This video demonstrates how anyone can leave Praise not only from inside Small Improvements, but also inside their Slack account,. It removes the need to be in the tool to give recognition and celebrate great work, taking that ability right to where you already are.

    Customising Badges

    This video runs through the simple process of setting up and customising your own Badges, for your people to Praise each other with inside Small Improvements.

    Praise Wall

    How to set up and customise the Praise Wall, to display all the recognition in your physical office spaces.

    1:1 Meetings

    1:1 Meetings Templates

    Creating 1:1 Meeting Templates in Small Improvements is pretty straightforward. Guide your managers and employees' ongoing performance conversations with the topics you see necessary for addressing growth, development, performance, and more!

    1:1 Meetings: Use by the Manager

    This video explains how you could may use 1:1 Meetings in Small Improvements to better your employee's performance, keep them on track, and collaborate in the discussion, all tying into later Reviews or 360s for reference. With the help of 1:1 Templates lending a list of predefined talking points (guided by HR), Managers can pick and choose from a range of topics to cover with their report.

    1:1 Meetings Dashboard

    Get a finer understanding on who is and who isn't meeting with their reports over custom periods, access any meetings shared directly with you, and set up Templates to guide your users with specific, important conversations centred around growth and development.


    Creating an Objective 

    This video walks you through where to create, customise, view and update your goals and objectives inside Small Improvements.

    Creating and Customising an Objectives Cycle (in-depth walkthrough)

    This video gives HR Admins an in-depth walkthrough of how they can set up and tailor the Objectives module in Small Improvements to meet the goal-setting needs of the company.

    Cycle Overview and Management

    Understand how close goals are to being achieved, the general focus and alignment of goals, nudge managers to approve or review their employees goals, and more.

    Cloning Objectives

    Cloning Objectives in Small Improvements lends itself well to our Lightweight Alignment approach for goal setting. While still giving employees the ability to independently customise them, cloning keeps a group of people on the same track. This video outlines how and where you can do this.

    Managing your Team's Objectives

    This video shows Managers where to get an overview of their entire team's goals, understanding what the progress is there, how the focus of these goals are aligned to HR's custom Objectives categories, and to encourage the employees to continue working them. (tip: when meeting with an employee in 1:1 Meetings, or giving them feedback in a Review, these goals are on display in the Helpful Resources sidebar in any case).

    360º Feedback

    How 360s work: The General Flow

    This video explains how 360 Feedback in Small Improvements works, in its default state. There is much more configuration available to shape the 360 Cycle differently to how I've demonstrated, so get in touch if you have any questions here.

    360º Feedback: Cycle Setup

    This video walks you through setting up a 360 Cycle, with explanations for each stage of the setup and their significance. For more in-depth discussion on the Timeline stage, please check our video guide on that here:

    Upward Manager Feedback

    If you want to run a 360º Feedback Cycle only for Managers, with their direct reports reviewing them, that's possible after setting up a cycle!

    Managing 360º Cycles (detailed walkthrough)

    This detailed walkthrough explains how to manage and glean insights from two types of 360 Feedback cycles:

    • Cycles that you've planned to start in the future, and how to launch those
    • (from 2:33 on) Existing, ongoing cycles - how to understand the progress, add and remove reviewers, filter views of different teams, nudge people to continue progress and complete their outstanding to-dos and feedback writing, enable Upward Feedback, cycle data exports and more.

    Timeline Settings: Explained

    Ever wondered what the different stages of a 360 Feedback cycle really mean and their significance in running a 360? Here we explain the stages of the Timeline to give you a better understanding.

    Feedback Requests

    HR Admin-driven Requests

    HR Admins can initiate a feedback request for any single user, at any time in your account. This is a fantastic way to solicit more perspectives on a user's performance when approaching, say, their end of probation, a promotion possibility, anniversary review, exit review, and more.

    Feedback Requests: Templates Setup and Usage

    HR Admins can guide their people using the Feedback Request feature with their own, predefined questionnaires that touch on important internal topics. Templates help speed up and simplify the request for feedback, but also communicates to users the types of requests HR deems relevant in the company to employee growth and development.


    Cycle Setup and Customisation

    This video explains where and how Admins can set up a Performance Review cycle for their company, specific teams or a select group of people, and customise the timeline, questionnaire, introduction and more.

    Cycle Management and Overview

    Learn how to manage the ongoing Review cycles, glean insights on its progress, ratings being awarded across teams, nudge users to continue writing via friendly email nudges, export cycle data, and more.

    2D Graph for Admins

    The 2D Graph is a great resource in the Review for understand employee-manager alignment, while analysing trends and relationships between the two across different teams.

    The Secondary Reviewer

    If you've set up a Secondary Reviewer for an employee, this video explains their role in Performance Reviews - the purpose of their addition, where to find their  Contributing reviews and how they will leave feedback there.

    Custom Reviewers

    Admins can change the Main Reviewer for employees on a case-by-case basis, during cycle set up or after the cycle is live. This means Performance Reviews aren't limited to the reporting chain you have in your account.

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